February 2022 - Newsletter #1
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Outrage Builds Against Dystopian Bill to Eliminate Americans’ Importation of Safe and Affordable Medication
To all those new and soon-to-be parents and grandparents, don’t miss our Dr. Brynna Connor’s recent article on newborn circumcision.
Last month we informed you how Big Pharma continues to raise drug prices in 2022, just as your access to lower cost Canadian online pharmacies and international drugstores, like NorthWestPharmacy.com, is being imminently threatened by a dystopian bill endorsed by Big Pharma, called the DRUGS Act. A draft of the DRUGS Act has been introduced into the US Senate and Congress and, if passed, it will censor and remove from the internet highly credentialed non-US online pharmacies, like NorthWestPharmacy.com.
Despite the spin from certain politicians and Big Pharma front groups claiming this bill is intended to target the opiod epidemic and online fentanyl sellers, this bill is in fact targeted at non-domestic pharmacies, like ours, that only provide non-narcotic and non-controlled affordable prescription drugs to Americans who have a physician’s prescription. Ironically, as we previously explained, Big Pharma front groups behind this legislation themselves receive substantial funding from the very opiod purveyors being held increasingly responsible for the devastation caused by the opiod epidemic.
If this bill passes, the medications and savings that you get through us will no longer be accessible online to you and millions of other Americans.
Here is an update: 20,000 Americans have now voiced their opposition using a simple letter writing tool that only takes 90 seconds to pre-write and automatically send a letter on your behalf directly to your Senators and member of Congress. Radio shows are talking about it, politicians are being called out, and Americans are sending letters to the editors of their local newspapers expressing outrage against the DRUGS Act. This is all a great start but more opposition is needed from people like you, your friends and family in order to stop this devastating law from being passed. If this bill passes, the medications and savings that you get through us will no longer be accessible online to you and millions of other Americans.
Politicians have started listening but they need to hear from more people so please stand up and object to the DRUGS Act. Tell your elected representatives to stop Big Pharma’s plan to take away your affordable medications and demand they vote against this bill. Please take 90 seconds of your time and enter your details to send the letter right here.
Thank you for your continued support and the trust you place in us. We want to keep providing you with safe and affordable medications.
The Entire NorthWestPharmacy.com Team

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