June 2023 - Newsletter #2
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FDA Takes Steps to Solve U.S. Drug Shortage Through Drug Importation
New price comparison shows how you can save up to 90% from Canadian online pharmacies.
Our Dr. Connor: Metformin for anti-aging, the best way to avoid a hangover and superfoods for those with Asthma and COPD
Could you do us a small favour? Please forward our digital booklet or website link to your friends, family and physicians who may know someone who wants to save money on their prescription drugs. A larger customer base grows our volume buying power, gives us priority access to medication inventories globally to assist with procurement and delivery timelines, and it reduces our cost of overhead per customer to help keep costs lower for everyone. We appreciate your support!
It appears the FDA is taking a major step that recognizes that prescription drug importation can be done safely to benefit Americans. As U.S. drug shortages near an all-time high, the Campaign for Personal Prescription Importation (CPPI), a national non-profit patient advocacy organization that fights for Americans' access to safe and affordable personal prescription medications, reports that:
Notwithstanding the FDA is now eyeing prescription drug importation as a possible solution to the various problems with access to medicines in the USA, the CPPI cites the FDA’s own data that “around 80% of active pharmaceutical ingredients used in American drugs are [already] imported from foreign countries.”
As noted by the CPPI, three out of ten Americans aren’t taking the medications that are prescribed to them due to the high cost in the USA. But our customers are far ahead of their government by sourcing medications that they either can’t find or afford at home and importing them safely and cost-effectively through NorthWestPharmacy.com.
CPPI Executive Director Jack Pfeiffer says, “‘the need for affordable access to critical prescription medicines is urgent and cannot be ignored. It is imperative that the FDA and other regulatory bodies continue to prioritize policies that promote access to safe and affordable prescription medications for all Americans.’”

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