
10 Mini Band Moves You Can Do Anywhere

10 Mini Band Moves You Can Do Anywhere

At home, in the park, or on the go, mini bands are an easy-to-stow, versatile resistance training option that can travel with you. Unlike standard tube resistance bands, mini bands are compact—measuring around 9 inches in length and 2 inches in width. They easily fit into a gym bag and offer dozens of exercise options.

Why Choose Mini Bands?

Though they’re small, mini bands are mighty when it comes to resistance training. You can buy bands in a set with varying levels of resistance; lighter resistance is perfect for core, upper body, or rehab work to heal an injury, while heavier resistance works well for lower body training. To sweeten the deal even more, mini bands are extremely inexpensive compared to other forms of resistance, so adding a few to your gym bag won’t break the bank.

10 Mini Band Moves That Work the Whole Body

Upper Body

Incline push-up

Place the band around each wrist. Lean against a counter or chair in tall plank position, bracing the core and squeezing the glutes. Press the wrists out against the band to create resistance. Lower the chest, tracking the elbows behind the body. Press back to the starting position and repeat.

Incline Push-Up

Wall slide

Place the band around both wrists. Stand about one foot away from a wall with palms facing each other and in front of you. Press the outside edge of the hands on the wall and slide the forearms up maintaining full contact with the wall until arms are extended. Lower back down and repeat.

Wall Slide

Pull apart

Place the band around each wrist with elbows bent to a 90-degree angle and raised to shoulder height. With palms facing in, press your wrists out on the bands, moving the hands away from each other while contracting the shoulder blades. Return to starting position and repeat.

Pull Apart


Core march

Lie on your back and place the band over the forefoot of both feet. Raise both legs off the floor so your hips and knees are at 90-degree angles. Exhale, brace the core, and extend the right knee, pressing the foot toward the wall. Inhale, bringing the knee back to 90 degrees. Then repeat on the left side.

Core March

Plank with abduction

Place the band above both knees and position the body in an elbow plank. Brace the core and squeeze the glutes while pressing up through the shoulder blades. Raise the right foot toward the ceiling, keeping the knee extended while firing the glute. Lower back and down and repeat for reps before switching to the other side.

Plank with Abduction

Knee lift

Place the band around the forefoot of each foot. Stand with feet hip-width apart. Brace the core and raise the right knee toward your chest. Lower back down and repeat for reps before switching sides. You may hold on to a chair or wall for support and balance.

Knee Lift

Lower Body

Glute bridge

Lie on your back with knees bent and feet on the floor. Place the band above both knees. Relax the belly and squeeze the glutes. Press the hips toward the ceiling until you create a diagonal line from the knees to the shoulders. Lower to starting position and repeat.

Glute Bridge

Fire hydrant

Place the band above both knees and position the body on all fours. Brace the core and keep the hips aligned. Raise the right knee out and away from the left knee. Slowly lower back down and repeat for reps before switching to the other side.

Fire Hydrant


Place the mini band above both knees. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart and toes pointing forward or slightly angled out. Brace the core and sit the hips between the knees while allowing the knees to track over the toes. Squat as deep as you feel comfortable, pressing the knees out against the band. Return to the starting position and repeat.


Hip hinge

Place the mini band above both knees and stand with feet shoulder-width apart. Pressing the quads out on the band, slightly bend the knees and hinge at the hips, pressing the glutes back while keeping the shins perpendicular to the floor. Return to the starting position and repeat.

Hip Hinge

Quick Mini Band Workout Ideas

Grab your mini bands and try this choose-your-own-adventure style of workout. Pick two exercises from the lower body section and one each from the upper body and core section—four exercises total.

Run this workout as a circuit, completing one set of each exercise before resting 30 to 60 seconds. Repeat for three to four rounds.

1a. First lower body exercise: 3-4 sets, 8-10 reps

1b. Second lower body exercise: 3-4 sets, 8-10 reps

1c. Upper body exercise: 3-4 sets, 8-10 reps

1d. Core exercise: 3-4 sets, 8-10 reps

Note: If the exercise works one side of your body at a time, perform the reps for each side (For example: with the fire hydrant exercise, perform 10 to 12 reps on the right side, then 10 to 12 reps on the left side).

10 Mini Band Moves You Can Do Anywhere

By Kellie Davis

Kellie Davis ran before she crawled and is constantly feeding her insatiable appetite for competition. In 2009, she competed in her first figure bodybuilding show and subsequently started a fitness blog titled to help other moms and career women make positive fitness and lifestyle habits. Her blog spring-boarded her fitness writing career, and shortly after she was in the gym coaching clients. Davis discovered the perfect marriage of fitness and writing, and has since co-authored the popular women's strength training book Strong Curves, launched a handful online fitness programs, and is also the co-founder of, a comprehensive intermediate resistance training system. As a fitness writer and personal trainer, she is known for helping hundreds of women achieve optimal health through her innovative fitness programs designed for those with a busy lifestyle. In her spare time, Davis dotes on her amazing husband and two children, attends The George Washington University as a graduate student, competes in powerlifting, takes the field in co-ed softball, and spends time with her two adoring dogs and brood of backyard hens.